Friday, February 3, 2012

Tuesday 1/31: “And Bingo Was His Name-O!”

My morning class with the 8 year olds was spent talking about feelings: “I’m happy!” “I’m sad.” etc. I had them sing a song called “Hello, how are you?” which is fairly catchy and asks the question lots of times and then gives all the various useful responses.

After lunch I taught the younger kids in the library (we’re still doing days of the week and we also sang BINGO) and then headed upstairs to teach the 10 year olds. It was basically a repeat of yesterday’s class on “I like” and all the verbs. And food. Except that this class was a lot more chatty and had more trouble paying attention… Even though their teacher stayed in the room with me, they really didn’t focus very well.

Afterwards I had the 7 year olds and we sang BINGO quite a few times (their really catching on), reviewed the days of the week, and then they colored a bit.

When classes were over, I went home and had tea with Margot and then had to hurry off to my conversation class with the teachers. Tonight we continued talking about the differences between schools in the US and France. Several of us brought children’s books in English to share, so each person chose one and read it to the group…Dr. Seuss was a big hit. Amazingly, no one had heard of him! I read Shel Silverstein’s “A Giraffe and A Half.”

After class, I returned home and Alison had already arrived! She had taken the bus and train after her last class and came for dinner and to spend the night. We watched “Famille d’Accueil” (the foster family show) with Margot and Catherine after dinner. Tomorrow it’s supposed to snow…and it’s REALLY cold, so it just might!! We’re going to leave the shutters open tonight so that we can easily see if it snows! :)

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