Sunday, December 11, 2011

Monday 12/5: I've Got A Plan

Just a brief summary of the main events of today:

Alison came over for lunch and afterward I walked with her to the high school and then continued on to the other elementary school, where I had class. It's about a 30 minute walk.

After two months of trying to teach two classes at the other school who misbehave constantly, I now I have a system of discipline. I write the names of any students who disobey or disrupt on the board and their teacher will be told. They then have 3 strikes. If they get three marks by their name, I send them out of the class and to their teacher. The end. And she will make them wish they hadn’t gotten in trouble… Well, classes went a lot better today! I’m feeling much better about the situation!

I walked home, via the store, and wished that my bag wasn't so heavy. I was tired by the time I got home, but glad that it hadn't been raining during my walk. Unfortunately I had to hurry to teach another class at the school next to me and didn't get a rest. That class went okay...I sent the most irritating student out of the class as he was talking during their test (a listening exercise where they had to write what I was reading) and giving away answers. Life is so much easier when he's not there...

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